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Tisha' Thoughts

God is Love,Light,Life

Jesus is love.

God is Love, He is good and wants good for us. I love that the closer I get to God the more He revels to me. I have this hunger to know God and to live a good Kingdom Life. I've realized that it's my job to be obedient and trust God and He will take care of the rest. The more I obey God the more He blesses me and the more I yearn to know more about Him. I remember sitting in church going through a storm I was praying pouring out on God and I saw a sparkle of light in the mist off darkness and God said a little light illuminates the dark. I remember a feeling of relief and a shift in the atmosphere. I knew that God was with me and it was confirmation that I was living a good Kingdom Life. Again, this only increased my desire to know God, yes, the blessings are amazing, but the love of God is so much more. (Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.”

John 8:12 MSG}. God is Love, Light, Life trust God listen and obey. God is Truth so if He said it, it is. He said He provides plenty of light to live in. Follow Him and never stumble in the darkness. #MaybeThisHelps

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