The beauty in being convinced of who God is, is that I live with the peace of God just embracing me. So, in a previous blog I posted that my favorite word is revelation because when I gain understanding of anything Gods way and apply it to my life, I'm unstoppable because God is true to His Word. In this season I'm fond of the word convinced. When you are convinced no one can change your mind you operate in that fashion. I am convinced of who God is so I stand on the truth which is His word. If any of my thoughts don't line up with His word I don't agree with it, I replace that thought with Gods truth. Living for God is an adventure it has a touch of mystery an anticipation. I'm convinced that every thought has to be challenged, and you have to ask yourself do I agree or disagree. From example if I feel sick and the thought crosses my mind to say I feel bad (flag on the play) Gods truth is by His stripes I am healed so I replace that thought with I'm well but getting better I have a friend that says she is healed when she feels not so well. This leads me to another thing I'm convinced of which is words matter you have what you say and that goes both ways. It's like gravity it works whether you believe it or not. There is a lot of things I am convinced of but the main thing I am convinced of is who God is. knowing who God is let me know who I need to be in all situations. God is truth, love, peace, joy embrace those things be convinced of those things. #MaybeThisHelps
Updated: Oct 31