Life is filled with challenges it's a counterfeit world,
remember the enemy can't recreate he can only imitate. Gods original design is what He intended for mankind. In the Book of Gensis what God created was good, EVERYTHING God created was good (Genesis 1:31NLT). God did the ultimate act of Love He gave His only begotten Son (John3:16AMP) so we could have everlasting Life. The cross was a place of exchange Jesus took our sickness and disease and gave us healing He took our sorrow and gave us joy. God said cast your cares on me. God doesn't say anything He don't mean. He puts His Word above His name (Psalm138:2 AMPC). I say all that to say Life is hard but with God on your side you can come through the fire without smelling like smoke. Just cast your cares on Him and trust that He will do what He said He will do. God will give you joy for sorrow He will give you healing for sickness and pain. He will never leave or forsake you. When God said cast your cares onto me, He wants to take the heaviness away and lighten your load. He wants you to leave your problems with Him and pick up His Peace. Trust that God is good and wants good for you. #MaybeThisHelps