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Writer's pictureTisha's Thoughts

Armor of God

God is good! Thank you for another day I am willing and available who will you have me bless today. Life is lifeing but in the mist of it all I am thankful to God. I know He is working things out for the good. Like a flourishing palm tree (psalms 92:12) I will keep my posture. Yes, I will bend but I will not break and when the storm is over, I will stand tall. What is your posture in the midst of a storm. Matthew 5:45 says it rains on the just and the unjust. The difference is how we walk through. God is our umbrella HE covers us and protects us. We have to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18 amp). The belt of truth, God is truth He is our foundation. Stand with integrity and have moral courage. The breastplate of righteousness, Keep a heart of flesh an upright heart. The sandals, the gospel of peace, stand firm on the word of God and walk in His peace. The Shield of faith, have the faith of Jesus Christ be convinced of who God is, our Lord and Savior. The shield of faith blocks the firery arrows of the enemy. Place on your head the Helmet of Salvation and pick up your Sword of the Spirit, which is the mighty Word of God. Stay thankful, grateful and prayerful. Pray in the Spirit for the Spirit knows the heart and mind of God. The Spirit our connection. #MaybeThisHelps

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Nov 27, 2023

i am a warrior for God and my armor has been pierced with 100,000 arrows times 10 my spirit has been broken I can lift my head no more my heart cries out I fear for no one to hear it roar for the battle is all around all I see is despair

Nov 28, 2023
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Thank you for these words of encouragement I appreciate it stay blessed

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